21 May - 21 June
Gemini natives are more oriented towards the mind and intelligence than the senses. Their memory is remarkable, and their capacity for learning is easy; they usually express themselves well and are good speakers. Emotionally, they are affectionate, generous, and easily adapt to various situations and people. In their love life, they seek contact with others, wanting to feel loved, understood, and protected, even if they are not very predisposed to long-term commitment.
As a dual sign, Gemini has different personalities that coexist in the same individual, easily transitioning from joy to sadness and showing passions for both the abstract and the concrete. These aspects are also reflected in their material life, where they may experience periods of unhappiness and financial difficulties followed by moments of prosperity. Also, it is not uncommon for them to go from being in the spotlight to being rejected by society.
Gemini gets along well with Leo, Aries, and Libra, but has difficult relationships with Capricorn and Scorpio.
The protective Archangel of the Gemini sign is Archangel Raphael (as well as for Libra and Aquarius), offering help in communication, healing, and acquiring knowledge in various fields. In travels, Archangel Raphael is considered auspicious. The governing Angel of the Gemini sign is Angel Ambriel, bringing clarity in thinking and communication.
Gemini is generally associated with yellow-green crystals, especially those with uneven colors. Aquamarine and jade are considered the most important, with their changing shades from greenish-white to intense blue, facilitating the connection between the outer and inner self, opening up new horizons.
Other significant crystals for Gemini include Indian agate, which, due to its fine inclusions, fosters love and understanding of others, facilitating peaceful coexistence and acceptance of various lifestyles. Turquoise counters the negative effects of unfavorable aspects of planets, helping to overcome difficulties. Unakite brings emotional balance, while crazy lace agate, with its irregular stripes, brings laughter and good mood, while also absorbing emotional pain. Orange aventurine amplifies creativity and imagination.
Stones associated with the Gemini sign include crazy lace agate, amethyst, green aventurine, chalcedony, calcite, carnelian, citrine, amber, rock crystal, rose quartz, garnet, white howlite, blue howlite, jadeite, serpentine, tiger's eye, onyx, opal, sapphire, blue topaz, and turquoise.
Yellow or greenish stones include yellow agate, green agate, aventurine, calcite, citrine, chrysoprase, fluorite, fuchsite, honey opal, jadeite, serpentine, jasper, silver leaf, unakite, moldavite, malachite, green obsidian, peridot, and green tourmaline.
Special talismans for Gemini include bloodstone, jasper, agate, aquamarine, and emerald.
Stones governed by Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, include emerald, peridot, jade, agate, aventurine, and Indian agate.
Other crystal correspondences for Gemini include red agate, tree agate, alexandrite, celestite, chrysoberyl, smoky quartz, heliodor, dalmatian jasper, red jasper, green calcite, Chevron amethyst, jadeite, green jade, bronzite, larimar, tourmaline, pearls, apatite, apophyllite, aquamarine, blue spinel, chrysocolla, dendritic agate, tourmalinated quartz, tanzanite, topaz, variscite, zoisite, and ulexite., spinel albastru, chrysocolla, agat dendritic, cuarț rutilat cu turmalină, tanzanit, topaz, variscit, zoisit și ulexit.